Friday, March 18, 2011

Oops! ladybugs on my cupcake...teehee...

Hai! my name is nottibugs....
I love cupcakes soooo much!

look! my friends over there.....
we loooove cupcakes..... is wonderful...isn't it?
Khas buat adik Ayu yang akan bertunang.....

My 1st Birthday Cake!!!!!!

Happy Birthday Faiz!!!!

Save in the big box.......

No 1 Choc Cake with fondant
and extra lollipop!ehehehheeh

Thanx fazlinda my beloved school geng ...*_*

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

For Suziey....cupcakes in donut box

eheehe thanx Suziey.......

Monday, March 14, 2011

Pada sahabatku yang tak boleh upload gambar tru handphone...nie entry khas....Cupcakes in Donut Box......

yang nie donut box kaler krim.....cute gitu...ada 8 bijik cupcake vanilla ngan marshmallow....

satu lagi kaler cekelat...tapi cupcake sama Vanilla with marshmallow

Harga RM30

untuk pengetahuan kawan2 ku...semuaa nie dah sold out ya.....
box donut yang masih ada kat aku, kaler cekelat gelap and kunin.

Cupcakes in Donut Box.....

Ada orang ata presentation itu penting..
Ya! I agree.....memang, cantik presentation dia....cantiklah segalaa segi cupcakenya
so, found this cute donut box....terus grab
and walla....cute ain't?

Pretty in Fink!

More Vanilla LOVE Cupcakes

some more......LOVE Cupcake

in this cute doughnut box
so sweet.........vanilla cupcakes....

and extra vanilla kek with love

L.O.V.E cupcakes

Vanilla Cupppacakes ready.......

As usual...mostly they ask for simple cupcakes put Marshmallow LOVE on top of it.

And the usual..purple......pokodot!
© Copyright Reserved to Designer Cakes And Cupcakes By Notti Netti l Designed by DayangDeno